Kizan Family Reserve 2021 750ml
[Kizan Family Reserve 2021 ]
A well-balanced, medium-bodied, dry red wine
Deep violet with purple edges.
It has fruity flavors like black currant and pomegranate, as well as a green flavor like tobacco leaves.
In addition to the fruity flavors of plum and fig and the spicy flavor of nutmeg, there is also a sense of elegant serenity.
The aftertaste is reminiscent of bitter chocolate, with just the right amount of tannins and crisp acidity for a well-balanced and pleasant lingering finish.
Enjoy with cheese or stewed dishes.
◆Specifications Category: Red wine/Medium body Varieties used: Merlot 40%, Black Queen 35%, Cabernet Sauvignon 15%, Petit Verdot 8%, Others 2%
Size: 750ml
Manufacturer: Kizan Liquor Production area: Enzan, Koshu City, Yamanashi Prefecture